
All day long at my job, I look around online for stuff to write about (and sometimes do some actual work). I bookmark anything that peaks my interest, and work up the motivation to actually blog about it. There are some links that, for one reason or another, don't really make it onto either of the blogs, and every few months, I have to go through and edit my 'favorites' list, because I hate scrolling (really hate it). For the most part, I just delete everything, but there's always a few diamonds in the dirt-pile that should see the light of day.
Here's my scraps:
~The Top 5 Worst Lyrics to Ruin Good Rap Songs.
~How to Make a Grilled Cheese Sandwich With an Iron. One time, I saw this cool project on TV where you wreck your mom's cheese grater by grating up a whole pack of Crayolas, then you put the shavings in some wax paper and iron over it. The actual finished project is.... Well.... I don't really know, but I liked the thought of melted wax, so I decided that I should get cracking. My end result? A wrecked grater, a wrecked ironing board, and burnt fingers. Did I mention I was like 13 at the time?
~Roles Actors Will Never Live Down. You know, I hear that the easiest way to break out of a character mould is to release a sex tape of yourself. Right, Screech? Oh, no. Wait. That's actually the worst way. Nevermind.
~Did you know you can buy a dead chupacabra for like $400? You can (and mermaids, and cyclops pigs, and alligator boys).... No big thing.
~How To Get Rid of Things. If I had the choice, I would like to get rid of Our Lady Peace, flavored colas, women with large baby strollers (my parents carried me everywhere, and I was faa-aat), and ballpoint pens that leak all over my accounting papers.
~You know, I could sit here all day and blab on about Nike and sweatshops and blah blah blah, but the truth is, I'm so underpaid that I pretty much work in a sweatshop myself (an optometrist sweatshop), so instead let's have a peek in the Nike factory and look at all the pretty shoes. Oooooh.
~I only watched this video about 18 times. Party favors, anyone? I'd like to see Party Dish think up something this good.
~Don't bother calling me tonight, because I'm going to be busy self-implanting diamonds into all of my teeth (I finally have a full-on tutorial).
~Hey. When you leave work tonight, are you going to head home to hang out with your cat, or your fish, or your dog? Sounds fun? Not really. Pretty boring, actually. Okay... How about if you knew you were going to go home and hang out with your hyena on a rusty chain? Or your monkey in casual golf attire? It's official: Africans Have Way Cooler Pets Than We Do.
There. That's better.
~sarah p.
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