Taco stands.

You know, most days I think I should just give it all up, move way down Mexico way, and start up a taco stand. There really isn't much in the world I enjoy more than a good taco (you know, besides getting massages while listening to Gang Starr, and a bunch of other stuff I won't mention due to a lack of decency).
I think Mexico could really benefit from having me around. I like sombreros, I like being a lazy son-of-a-bitch in the sun, and I bet if I tried hard enough, I could learn to like the contaminated Mexican water.
It would take a bit of work, but I could probably even think up a pretty clever name. Something that starts with 'Taco'.
Maybe, just maybe, this could work afterall.
~sarah p.
open up a taco stand here dammit...so many peeps talk about opening one, but nobody is commiting!
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