For the record, I do watch a little TV. Not much, but a little. I've really been slacking, but I think it's time to start getting back into it, because guess what is coming on soon?.....

It's already playing in the states, and I don't want to give anything away, but holy crap, shit goes down, son.
Like, last season was good and all, but did it have Lloyd Banks, Warren G, and Three 6 just popping by? Didn't think so.
Did it have Tommy the Clown teaching the gals how to krump? Nope.
Did it have amazing bitch-fights? No waaa...... Um, yes. Yes, it did have that.
But did it have Warren G popping by again in the same episode? You know it didn't.
For the record, outside of the musical realm, I don't even like Flavor Flav, but his desperation is undeniably charming.
I'm really not too sure when MMM is going to step up and get the ball rolling, but Season 2 is going to be out.of.control.
~sarah p.